


Originating around the fourth century, centos reconfigure pre-existing poetic texts into new systems of imagery and ideas. Toni’s centos are beautiful, charming, witty and, at times, quite sad.

"Toni Stern's poetry chapbook is a singular example of modern and elegant verse. It's alternately clever and poignant, funny and wise. She has accomplished wonderful things in her long creative life, to be sure, but perhaps nothing is more assured and mature and successful than this collection of her poetry. I cannot recommend it more highly."

—Monte Schulz

Here, freewheeling within the medium of prose poetry, Stern amplifies and embraces our mutuality, our fallibility, our pathos, and our grace. A volume not to be missed.

"Toni Stern has given us some jewels of hard-earned wisdom in a voice, by turns, wry, tender, and often aslant — as Dickinson tells us the telling of truth must be."

—Dan Gerber, Sailing Through Cassiopeia